October 26, 2021
MADRE condemns the military coup in Sudan, a blow to the vision of democracy for which people there have struggled and mobilized. In 2019, the people of Sudan made history by ousting an authoritarian ruler who had held power for three decades — and we must always remember that young women propelled that change.
Even in those early days of transition, feminist pro-democracy organizers knew the work was not done. The Sudanese military has remained an obstacle, its leadership resisting efforts to remove its control over the economy and policymaking. Just last week, thousands of people took to the streets to demand an end to military rule and a move to a civilian government.
Our grassroots partners are Sudanese women who have devoted years to defending rights, organizing communities, and seeding democracy. They had already begun making vital contributions to the drafting of a new constitution, engaging rural, often-excluded communities in the process and pushing for the inclusion of women’s rights.
In Sudan, as around the world, feminist organizing is indispensable to democracy. We stand in solidarity with our partners in Sudan through this difficult time and as they continue to press for rights and justice.
In uncertain times, think like a mother
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MADRE created a manual for women and human rights defenders on documenting gender-based violence and rights violations so they can find justice and end the cycle of violence in their communities. We also produced a guide on leaving Afghanistan safely for those in the country facing life-threatening risks under the Taliban regime.
SUPPORT OUR WORKIn uncertain times, think like a mother
NPR’s TED Radio Hour recently selected MADRE Executive Director Yifat Susskind's TED Talk to show how, in unpredictable times, we can stay calm, grounded, and on course.